Education institutions require unique and reliable security access and surveillance systems to ensure the focus is on teaching and not protecting damage control. The learning environment suffers more hazards than one would like to acknowledge. Security access system designs have to prepare facilities and keep track of emerging scenarios.

Integrated security access systems musts and benefits


Education institutions are characteristic of the many people that attend its facilities daily. A hardcore control and a flexible access system are equally important to ensure students and other valuable attendees are fully taken care of without restricting their capabilities. Designing a full, up to scale system implies understanding different types of users, deciding common ground and restricted area rules, and managing schedules in an integrated way. This ensures practical solutions are reached, access and restrictions required for each space adapt to the security needed, temporary guests’ access management is correctly monitored, and employees and third parties have access through scheduling, restrictive areas, and monitoring control.

Reliability & emergency features

Reliability is non-negotiable. However, to ensure your security is reliable, contingency plans with technology that adapt to such plans is what it takes. Connectivity, communication, and alerting features can be different according to each building’s requirements.


Upgrading technologies that are still worth keeping and reduce the budget. Open software programming enables different technologies to be compatible. Reconfiguring existing equipment when upgrading your security system is an option many times discarded.


A well-designed system allows updating security needs & authorizations without the need for long applications or creating hazards for the community. Managing usage can be enabled through pre-configured rules, schedules, and alerts.


The security system has to be designed end to end. There can’t be any grey zone. It must include all exits, main traffic areas, elevators, and hallways, and even outdoor spaces when defining what best suits your needs.

Maintenance and service

Reliable and consistent maintenance is key to ensure security 24/7. Many disruptions and failures are due to a lack of maintenance and hiring inexperienced technicians to solve existing problems. When addressing a security system, Global Monitoring allows adjusting coverage as needed.
Ensure your service company is experienced and the care you are receiving is transparent and thorough to avoid misconceptions.
Take a look at the technologies we can mix and match to make your tailored design: