Welcoming, modern installations, and peace of mind for every person. The mood and experience created can be easily disrupted when the security and access system isn’t updated and simple. Give your clients easy solutions, manage entry/exit congestion, and offer convenient usage of common spaces, hallways, and elevators. Upgrading the game means great services and modern facilities.

Get the most out of your security system by maintaining it and accessing quick and efficient services when needed. Let us get you on your way to be at the top of your game.

Integrated security access systems musts and benefits

( Adaptability )

Security and high-quality surveillance are critical for guests to feel safe and focus on enjoying their stay. Go for a custom design that admits various users and controls spaces that need different access management. Adaptability involves being able to adjust and update security requirements for guests, administrative employees, service employees, and third parties.

( Functionality )

What functions do you expect your security system to serve as a whole? Are there any strategic spots in the building you have a particular interest in? Think about the overall experience. Some benefits that are long searched for but not acknowledged are staff reduction, decreasing clutter on front desks, and lightening staff paperwork in general when administrative and maintenance workloads are extensive.

( Reliability & emergency features )

Connectivity, communication, and alerting features may be different according to each building and industry’s characteristics. There is no such thing as the perfect solution; the best solution is the one that fits every scenario, even contingencies and emergencies.

( Compatibility )

Recycle technologies that are still worth keeping and optimize your budget. Open software programming enables different technologies to be compatible. Reconfiguring existing equipment when upgrading your security system is an option often times wrongly discarded.

( Simplicity )

For personnel and client usage, keeping it simple and user-friendly is important to make the most of the system. Updating security needs & authorizations without the need for long applications or creating hazards for guests is possible through pre-configured rules, schedules, and alerts.

( Safety )

The security system has to be designed end to end. It must include exits, main traffic areas, elevators, hallways, waiting rooms, and common spaces.

( Maintenance and service )

Reliable and consistent maintenance is key to ensure security 24/7. Many disruptions and failures are due to a lack of maintenance and hiring inexperienced technicians to solve existing problems. When addressing a security system, Global Monitoring allows adjusting coverage as needed.
Ensure your service company is experienced and the care you are receiving is transparent and thorough to avoid misconceptions.

Take a look at the technologies we can mix and match to make your tailored design: