Have the security system that matches YOUR needs. What experience would you like for your tenants and homeowners? Whether you need repair, maintenance, or a long-overdue upgrade we can help you get on your way.

Homes are getting bigger and more exquisite by the minute. What before was a luxury is now taken for granted when evaluating homes. Mainly because many cities have grown unsafe, but also because people are more aware of the available technologies that may well serve to fulfill their needs. Integrated security access systems are musts with great benefits.

Integrated security access systems musts and benefits

( Adaptability )

What usage will the system have? Who should it protect? Who will be using it? A custom system considers these and many more questions when designed. While security and high-quality surveillance are the main goal, tenants and homeowners require daily usage “access” to provide the expected experience.
The system should adapt to the security needs in each space, manage temporary guest’s access, and detail employee’s and third parties’ access through scheduling, restricted areas, and monitoring control.

( Reliability & emergency features )

Within the wide assortment of access technology and surveillance cameras, there is no such thing as the only solution. Your best solution is the one that fits and lets you grow. Connectivity, communication, and alerting features may be different according to each building and industry.

( Functionality )

What experience and which problems are expected to be solved with the access security upgrade? Thoroughly understanding this is key to decide and prioritize which technologies and spaces are included. Some benefits that are long searched for but not acknowledged are staff reduction and decompression when administrative and maintenance workload is stressed and expensive.

( Compatibility )

Recycle technologies that are still worth keeping and reduce budget (you may even invest it upgrading other areas). Open software programming enables different technologies to be compatible. Reconfiguring existing equipment when upgrading your security system is an option often discarded.

( Simplicity )

There is a misconception that simple is unsafe. Access control and security operations required by residents don’t have to be a puzzle to be safe. A user-friendly design will help to enhance its correct management. A well-designed system allows updating security needs & authorizations without the need for long applications or creating hazards for neighbors and residents. Managing usage can be enabled through pre-configured rules, schedules, and alerts.

( Security )

The security system has to be designed end to end. It must include all exits, main traffic areas, elevators, and hallways when defining your needs.

( Maintenance and service )

Reliable and consistent maintenance is key to ensure security 24/7. Many disruptions and failures are due to a lack of maintenance and hiring inexperienced technicians to solve existing problems. When addressing a security system, Global Monitoring allows adjusting coverage as needed.
Ensure your service company is experienced and the care you are receiving is transparent and thorough to avoid misconceptions.

Take a look at the technologies we can mix and match to make your tailored design: