Best in class system for everyday usage. Our operators are resistant and have a smooth sliding system that is quiet and controlled.

The Operator is small and easy to fit in different locations without resigning to style.
We may combine this technology to different appliances according to building and surrounding requirements.

What’s the deal?


( Management )

Where can you manage and access it from?

( Connectivity and communication )

How is the communication established? Landline, network & intranet, or internet? The answer to this question will impact the installation process and which functionalities will be included for everyday use after it is installed. It will enhance or limit access to other devices and security.

( Communication performance and sensibility )

For bilateral communication, such as those used in access systems, to be effective and agile there has to be a balance between large range capacity and quick reading in the antennas installed. What is prioritized depends on the placement of the keypad and the main controller.